With the coronavirus lockdown keeping us cooped up in our homes, the young ones in your life may be getting bored from the lack of social events. If you’re looking for new ideas to keep them on their toes, drop the video games and try these quarantine activities.
Take up a new hobby
With all of this free time available, why not try something new? Make some arts and crafts. Knit a scarf. Learn a new language on Duolingo together. Teach your child (or yourself) how to play a musical instrument. This is a great opportunity to expand you and your child’s skill set, while also spending quality time together.
Make a meal
Lockdown cooking is taking over. Bring your tots into the kitchen and work together to make a mouth-watering meal for you and your family. Whether you give them the task of mixing the batter or just cracking a few eggs, this bonding experience will result in a delicious reward.
Get fit
Although working out alone can be efficient, working out with a partner may be a bit more fun. According to the NHS, around 1 in every 4 adults and around 1 in every 5 children aged 10 to 11 are obese. Try out an at-home workout from YouTube, or just go run around in your garden. Getting active is the ultimate activity in getting that heartbeat up after a lazy day of Netflix.
Catch up on some chores
If you want to use this time to be productive, why not spruce up your home? Make a game out of it to make it less dreadful for the kids. Play dress up while organising the closet. Race to see who can sweep the fastest. See who can create the tallest (and neatest) stack of folded laundry.
Start journaling
The COVID-19 pandemic is a wild new experience that may be overwhelming for the family. Take up journaling and write down all of your feelings in this trying time. In 20 years, it will be interesting to see everyone’s perspectives on an experience that the whole world is currently facing.
As the pandemic continues, it is best to remain calm while following the rules provided by your local government. Wash your hands and stay at home. But just because you’re at home, that doesn’t mean you have to remain bored.
See also:
How to Eat Healthily During Coronavirus Lockdown
Coronavirus – Should We Be Keeping Our Pets Indoors?
How Toys Can Support Your Child’s Social and Cognitive Skills