Suffering from a condition such as arthritis, back or spinal troubles or leg, knee and hip problems shouldn’t impede your ability to get out and about unaided. Whatever your needs and budget, there are plenty of options available, from Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs) to mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs.
These allow disabled people to claim back their freedom to get to work, meet up with friends and enjoy day trips, ensuring they are able to enjoy the independence that most of us take for granted.
Getting a New Car
Cars featuring specific adaptations to aid mobility are a great help to many people. The adaptations depend on the type of disability, but some of the most popular additions include automatic transmission, hand controls, pedal modifications and steering wheel balls. Many cars can also be customised with a lift for scooters and powered wheelchairs.
Infa Red Hand Controls
This enables the driver to operate a vehicle’s secondary functions, including indicators and hazard lights, horn, windscreen wipers and washers, headlights and fog lights, all at the touch of a button.
Quick release pedal guard
These stop accidental use of the brake or accelerator pedals and prevent feet or prosthetic limbs from becoming trapped underneath.
Push/pull hand controls
These are specially designed for those who are unable to operate the foot pedals in automatic vehicles. The controls allow the driver to accelerate, pull the handle towards you, to decelerate, release the handle, and push the handle away to brake.
Steering aids. A tetra driving aid enables the user to turn the steering wheel by using their wrist, while a steering wheel ball enables safe one-handed steering.
The Motability Scheme
Purchasing a new car or adding adaptations to an old vehicle is a costly process, as is the choice to buy either a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair. Although these are essential items for increased mobility, many may be put off by the price. However, fortunately, there are affordable options to suit almost any budget. One of these options is the Motability Scheme, which has helped many people with a diverse range of disabilities to lease a new car, mobility scooter or powered wheelchair, using their government funded mobility allowance.
To learn more about the Motability Scheme visit http://www.motability.co.uk
See Also:
Independent Living: Products And Devices