New research conducted by the American Heart Association (AHA) has concluded that coconut oil is in fact not healthy and may be doing more harm to our body than good. For everyone on the coconut oil bandwagon, now might be the time to disembark with haste as this new study may prove coconut oil isn’t healthy after all.
The foundation released a study looking at the way fats can affect cardiovascular health. Coconut oil was not spared from this investigation and produced some surprising results. Despite being high in saturated fats, coconut oil is composed mostly of lauric acid, which studies have indicated can raise good (or HDL) cholesterol levels and lower bad (or LDL) cholesterol levels. The AHA noted because of the sheer amount of saturated fat coconut oil contains, the negative effects outweighed the positives almost entirely. Researchers also noticed a huge spike in cholesterol when coconut oil was consumed in a large quantity.
The American Heart Association warn against consuming increased amounts of coconut oil in the Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease advisory, stating:
“Because coconut oil increases LDL cholesterol, a cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and has no known offsetting favourable effects, we advise against [its] use.”
Eating a diet consisting mostly of high saturated fats (LDL)—which is considered to be the bad variety—is what raised the alarm that coconut oil isn’t healthy. The AHA research concluded that 82 percent of fat in coconut oil was saturated. That’s more than butter (63 percent) and beef fat (50 percent).
Doctor Frank Sacks, the lead author of the AHA advice gave some guidance on saturated fats, saying: “We want to set the record straight on why well-conducted scientific research overwhelmingly supports limiting saturated fat in the diet to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels.”
The news that coconut oil isn’t healthy will come as a surprise to many. Consumers have long been told about the health benefits of using coconut oil as a sensible substitute to other fats when cooking. As a rule of thumb, you should always take the time to research good fats and bad fats. Check the source of your information to ensure you’re getting the best dietary advice possible.
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