Forest & Ray Dental answer your top questions

Our dentists answer some of your frequently asked questions…

Why is oral health so important, do my teeth affect the rest of my body?

The link between poor oral hygiene and severe health problems is common knowledge. Unsatisfactory cleaning habits leave plaque, which is the hardened film in which bacteria live, and are most commonly found on the molars and between the gums and the teeth. Plaque causes tooth decay, gum disease like gingivitis, and periodontitis if it gets too severe. The plaque that gets into your blood stream causes hardening of the arteries, and can cause strokes and heart attacks. 

When is dental hygiene treatment important and why?

Dental hygiene treatment is advised for everyone at least once a year. This includes the removing of dental plaque and a good polishing. During the professional tooth cleaning dentists remove the small discolourations with high velocity particulate matter.  With regular dental hygiene treatments, made with proper oral hygiene at home, you can avoid the development of gingivitis or periodontal disease.

How do I save a tooth and when do I need an extraction?

A well trained dentist will do everything in his or her power to save your living teeth, sometimes even resorting to measures that may seem unlikely and expensive. This is because missing teeth lead to tooth loss as a condition, meaning the more teeth you lose, the more teeth you are going to lose in the future. That is why dentists try to do everything in their power to avoid extracting your teeth.
However, teeth die eventually, and when they do they need to be extracted before they start to decay in the mouth, possibly leading to periodontal disease and other severe problems. In these cases extraction is the only solution, but it is only used as a last resort.

When Is a dental crown needed?

When a tooth is damaged or decayed to the extent that the cusps are missing, a crown is needed. If your tooth gets knocked out or broken, and it cannot be repaired, it is time for a dental crown. If the tooth is no longer or just barely visible because it has broken down to the gum line, a crown is needed to reinstate normal chewing function. When teeth are missing or unable to help out in biting or chewing, undue pressure is put on other teeth, and that may even affect the functioning of the jaw as well, which can lead to jaw dysfunctions. 

How long does it take to complete the dental implant treatment?

It is difficult to say with absolute certainty, but usually it takes about three months. The process is a little bit difficult, and involves at least three visits to the dentist. During the first visit, you will have a dental implant consultation. An x-ray needs to be taken of your jaw to make sure it is suitable for housing an implant. We have onsite technical capabilities to provide you with that x-ray, but if you have one that is no older than 3 months, we also accept those. The dentist also needs to check your oral condition and your bone matter, to see if it is dense enough. If the dentist decides that you are good to go, than the dental implant can be inserted into your jawbone immediately. If you are not suitable to house an implant, your jawbone will be enhanced with a synthetic bone graft.

Is there a dental practice where I can get ALL of my dental work done, with minimal waiting? What happens if a problem turns out to be more complex than previously thought?

A good dental practice will save you not just time, but also money by having all of their services in available in one place. There is no need to go to another clinic to get your wisdom teeth removed, or to get an implant done, as a professional dental clinic will handle any and all aspects of dentistry. A clinic  that offers the complete range of dental services, including aesthetic dentistry and orthodontics services, is ideal.


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