We’re not going to achieve a nice flat tummy if we have an unhealthy diet, so chuck those chips to the side and pass on the puddings, as a start. Eating small regular meals rich in protein and healthy fats will help to sort those muffin-tops out and create a leaner, healthier you. However, don’t make the mistake of skipping meals to get into shape, as all that does is send a message to your body to cling onto fat. Make sure you keep well hydrated and get into the habit of drinking water regularly, even before you are thirsty.
TIP: Reducing toxins in your diet will give you a flatter tummy and reduce cellulite.
TIP: Invest in a food blender and experiment with smoothies as healthy snack alternatives.
Try the following meal ideas for seven days and see how much difference a week it makes to your weight. Chop and change the meals around, but make sure to vary the eating plan. For example, if you have a handful of almonds as a snack, avoid using them in a meal choice and opt for something else to compliment your eating plan.
Breakfast choices
Poached eggs with salmon and asparagus
Porridge with blueberries
Scrambled eggs with peppers, courgettes and spring onions
Smoked salmon with half an avocado and a squeeze of lemon juice
Lunch choices
Chicken breast with rocket and avocado salad
Grilled salmon fillet with garlic and ginger served with broccoli
Smoked salmon rocket, cumber and spinach salad
Turkey and broad beans with green salad
Dinner choices
Baked cod in lemon with steamed spinach and rocket salad
Chicken breast with stir fry vegetables
Grilled prawns and salmon with broccoli
Tuna steak with a squeeze of lemon and roasted peppers
Snack choices
A green smoothie (Cucumber makes a great base for a green smoothie. Other ingredients like spinach, kale, broccoli, grapes and a dash of fresh lime juice make for a healthy snack.)
A handful of almonds
A handful of blueberries
A handful of cashews
Avocado with a squeeze of lemon juice
Or choose from two of the following snacks to have mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
Cucumber and/or celery with a tablespoon of hummus
Once you have completed your seven days with this plan, ensure you make healthy choices and continue with a well balanced diet moving forward.
SEE ALSO: Weight Loss Choices